Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Iconography of Updikde is a Dialectic Synthesis of Renaissance Paintings found in a Single Florentine Chapel!


[Masaccio's Expulsion (top); Masolino's Temptation (bottom)]

The differing iconographic representations found within the Brancacci Chapel at Santa Maria del Carmine are now found on the cover of John Updike's new novel The Widows of Eastwick. Indeed, birth colludes with death in order to force upon the female figure the weight of original sin. Whereas Fra Angelico's Expulsion contains gestural representation of the interior psyhological life of Eve, who expresses her grief through covering her newly sexualized form, Masolino da Panicale's Temptation presents flattened, unterior figures that reveal the absence of chiaroscuro as well as the sense of innocence the first humans had before the fall.
